Patients rights at Medaz Hospital:

  • The personal privacy of the patient must be protected.
  • The physically disabled patient should be given reasonable help.
  • Must be given equal treatment to patients without discrimination on the base of economic status.
  • Must be given medical detail about every patient and their information must be protected from misuse.
  • They must be given adequate treatment in a safe and secure atmosphere.
  • Infants, small children, disabled individuals, and elderly patients must be protected from abuse and physical assault.
  • All kinds of information like diagnosis, treatment, benefits of patients, and potential communication, possible options of treatment must be communicated in the simplest language that should be easy to understand.
  • Must be consented to before taking picture of the face of the patient.
  • If the patient refuses the diagnostic procedure, they must be informed about its consequences.
  • They have the right to know about the person involved in treatment, diagnosis, and other services.
  • The request of patient must listen if they wish to take a second opinion.
  • They must be informed if they are being transferred from one consultant to another consultant.
  • They must be informed if their treatment is for experimental research. In that case, written consent is mandatory.
  • Their consent must be taken in case of tissue/organ donation and receiving.
  • They must be explained in financial statements in the simplest way.

You can visit Medaz Hospital for the best treatment.